Show Reports

Peterborough Autumn Exhibition - 13th October 2013
Judge Mr John Graves
The first of our Championship Shows saw 38 entries from 7 exhibitors and the results are as follows
African Owls
Adult Cock – 1,2 D K Knaggs, 3, H Seed
Adult Hen – 1, H Seed, 2, 3 D K Knaggs
Young Cock – 1, D K Knaggs, 2, A Emerson
Young Hen – 1,2 D K Knaggs
Oriental Frills
Adult Cock/Hen – 1,2, H Caws, 3, D K Knaggs
Young Cock/Hen – 1,2, H Caws, 3, D K Knaggs
Adult Cock/Hen – 1, S Henderson, 2 , J & B Elsdon
Young Cock/Hen – 1, S Henderson, 2 , J & B Elsdon
All birds present today were owned by D K Knaggs

NPA Winners
African Owl – 2013 Black Pied Cock owned by Mr D K Knaggs
Blondinette – 2012 Black Laced Cock owned by Mr H Caws
Satinette – Bluette 2008 Cock owned by Mr S Henderson
Turbit – Silver 2011 Cock owned by Mr D K Knaggs

Egremont Fancy Pigeon Society – 26th October 2013

Judge Mr Dennis Ison

Mr J V Gregg had a clean sweep across all three breeds today and also took Best Short Face and NPA award with an adult Blue Chequer African Owl Cock.

National Young Bird Show – 3rd November 2013

Very few entries this year, only 3 birds exhibited today. Unfortunately with a later than planned breeding season my Africans were no were near ready for the show pen, which I suspect is the case for other breeders. John and Beverley Elsdon won both of the Oriental Frill Classes and took Best Short Face under Judge, Mr Jim McGarrigle.




Feathered World Show, Barnsley – 9th November 2013

Judge Mr Richard Greenwood

In the new venue the Metrodome, Barnsley which is a great spot to hold a pigeon event, after helping set up the show on the Friday afternoon it was off to the pre-show bash of bowling, buffet and drinks, a good evening was had by all!
Show day saw 60 entries from 6 exhibitors and Richard has the task today of picking out the winners, the NPA and section winners are as follows.

African Owls
Best Self African Owl – Black 2010 Adult Cock owned by Helen Seed
Best Pied African Owl – Black Pied 2010 Adult Cock owned by John Gregg
Best AOC African Owl – Blue Chequer 2010 Adult Cock owned by John Gregg
Best African Owl went to the Black Pied cock bird of John Gregg
Oriental Frills
Best Black or Dun Blondinette – Dun Laced Blondinette 2011 Adult Cock owned by H Caws
Best Red or Yellow Blondinette – Yellow Laced Blondinette 2012 Adult Cock owned by John Ottley
Best Any Other Colour Blondinette – Blue Laced Blondinette 2012 Adult cock owned by H Caws
Best Blondinette went to the Blue Laced cock bird of H Caws
Best Barred Satinette – Bluette 20102 Adult Cock owned by John Gregg
Best Any Other Colour Satinette – Blue Laced 2010 Adult Cock owned by John Gregg
Best Oriental Frill went to Bluette Satinette of John Gregg
British Turbit
Best Turbit went to an 2010 Adult Red cock Bird owned by John Gregg

Best Short face went to John Greggs Black Pied African Owl. It was a great day for our lovely short face breeder s as this bird went to take Best In Show – Congratulations John!!

All special award card for each section where kindly sponsored by John Gregg.

Lancashire Show Pigeon Society – 16th November 2013

Judge Mr Tom Crane

Today saw 28 pigeons from 4 exhibitors with unfortunately a few empty pens. The NPA winners today are as follows

African Owls
Best Self African Owl – Black 2010 Adult Cock owned by Helen Seed
Best Any Other Colour African Owl – Black Pied 2010 Adult Cock owned by John Gregg
Oriental Frills
Best Oriental Frill – 2010 Blondinette Adult Cock owned by John Gregg

Best Short Face went to the Black Pied African Owl and this bird went on to win another Best in Show, taking two in as many weeks continuing John winning streak – Excellent results for John!



Newcastle Columbarian Society – 23rd November 2013

Judge Mr Neil Pratt

Neil very kindly supplied me with a few comments from his judges’ notes, which I have included.

African Owls
White/Black Self Adult
1st Helen Seed  Black Hen – nice typey hen, good feather, condition, station and colour. Head needs more roundness.
2nd J V Gregg   White Cock – Big headed pigeon but coarse and a little long.  
White/Black Self Young Birds
1st J V Gregg  Very  nice typey white.
2nd Helen Seed  Too small in head but very young.
Pied Adult
1st J V Gregg  Great old cock bird, nice type, station and head. Eyes ceres a little coarse.
2nd H Seed  Useful bird but lacks in head and beak setting.
3rd D K Knaggs
Pied Young Bird
1st Helen Seed Nice type, small hen. Good overall balance and head good and round with beak tucked under.
2nd J V Gregg Bigger bird, just lacked roundness in head.
3rd K Turner
AOC Adult
1st J V Gregg Blue chequer cock – What a cracker top draw owl!!!
2nd Helen Seed Very nice brown chequer hen, needs more condition, moulty.
3rd D K Knaggs
AOC Young Bird
1st K Turner Dun, good head, size and type.
2nd K Turner Brown chequer, nice head and frill.

Oriental Frills
Blondinette Adult
1st J V Gregg Black, good size bird, good head and beak setting.
2nd J V Gregg Grand old cock bird just showing his age a little. 
3rd D K Knaggs 
Blondinette Young Bird
1st J V Gregg Black, lovely tye, good head and eye. Lacing a little heavy.
2nd S Henderson Blue, cracking bird. Good head size, width and beak setting.
Satinette Adult
1st J V Gregg Black Lace, good size, a little mismarked but overall a good bird. 
 Good beak, eye and frontal, very good width.
2nd J V Gregg Blue laced. Nice, just a little coarse and eye ceres heavy.
3rd S Henderson 
Satinette Young Bird
1st S Henderson Blue, better headed of the two birds but poor condition.
2nd J V Gregg Good Markings and condition but lacks in head properties.


British Turbit
1st D K Knaggs Mealy. Good reach of head, beak setting and width of head. Well Marked.
2nd J V Gregg Mealy. Just a little coarse compared to the first but overall nice type.
3rd D K Knaggs
Young Bird
1st J V Gregg Mealy. Good Markings, head and beak.
2nd D K Knaggs Silver. A nice hen, little fine and lacks condition and the size of the 1st.

Neil choice for Best Short Face was the Adult Black Laced Blondinette belonging to John Gregg –great bird! However the Blue Chequer African Owl pushed it really hard.

Nottingham Pigeon Fanciers Club – 28th December 2013

Judge Mr David Richardson

All African Owl winners today belonged to Helen Seed with the NPA winner being a Black Adult Hen. The Oriental Frill classes were won by Andy low and Best Short face went to Andy’s Blondinette.

Reading Fancy Pigeon Club – 12th January 2014

Judge Mr Mark Rudd

Only 3 Africans Owls on show today, Best African went to Helen Seed’s Black Pied Adult Hen.
Best Oriental Frill went to Robin and Kevin Pratt’s friendly Black Laced Blondinette Cock.

Blackpool Fancy Pigeon Show – 18th & 19th January 2014

Judge Mr John Graves

Oriental Frills
Adult Cock – 1,2, J V Gregg, 3, A Lowe
Adult Hen – 1, J V Gregg 2 A Lowe
Adult Cock – 1,2, J V Gregg
Adult Hen – 1, J V Gregg
African Owls
White/Black Adult Cock – 1, 2, J V Gregg
White/Black Adult Hen – 1, J V Gregg
AOC Adult Cock – 1, J V Gregg, 2, Helen Seed, 3, J V Gregg
AOC Adult Hen – 1, J V Gregg, 2, Helen Seed, 3, D Richardson
AOC Young Cock – 1, Helen Seed
AOC Young Hen – 1, Helen Seed

Best Oriental Frill went to the Black Laced Blondinette of John Gregg.
Best African Owl went to the Black African Owl also belonging to John Gregg.  This bird was Best Short Face and made its way on to victory row!
Sunday saw the Best In Show judging where the African Owl went onto to win Best In Show

Champion of Champions – 19th January 2014

This year we saw two short face birds through to Champion of Champions, both birds African Owls and both belonging to John Gregg. We had the Lancashire Show and Feathered World Show winning Black Pied African Cock and the Blackpool winning Black Cock.  It was the Black African that went onto win Reserve Champion of Champions to Billy Telford’s Cream Voorburg Hen, the Black Pied African finishing in 4th. Well done John!!

Club Show – BPSS Pickering, December 2013

Trophy winners from our Club Show are as follows

Judge Mr David Hicks

African Owls

J Hall Trophy for Best Red or Yellow went to a young red belonging to Mr D K Knaggs.

J Hall Trophy for Best Blue or Silver went to an Adult Blue belonging to Mr David Richardson.

Main Trophy for Best Red/Yellow or Blue/Silver was won by the young red of Mr D K Knaggs.

Gatty Trophy for Best Pied Young Bird went to Mr D K Knaggs.

Kinross Salver for Best White and Shield went to an Adult Hen belonging to Mr David Richardson.

Sheild for Best Dun went to an Adult Hen of Mr D K Knaggs.

Wm Allen Salver for Best African Owl went to an Adult Black Cock belonging to Miss Helen Seed.

Oriental Frills

Joseph Smith Memorial Trophy for Best Oriental Frill went to Mr Stuart Henderson with an Adult Blondinette Hen.

George Hope Trophy for Best Opposite Sex wen to Kevin and Robins Pratt’s Black Blondinette Adult Cock.

Machin Trophy for Best Opposite Age and the Roland Miller Trophy went to Mr Stuart Henderson with a Dun Laced Blondinette Young Bird.

Utley Trophy for Best Adult Satinette went to Mr Stuart Henderson with a Bluette.

Scatliff Memorial Cup for Best Young Satinette went to Mr & Mrs Elsdon with a Bluette.



British Turbits

Both Trophies in this section for Best Adult and Best Young Bird where won by Mr D K Knaggs.

Best Short Face went to the Helen’s Black African Owl , which went onto win the King Edward VII Trophy for Champion Short Faced Breed





Best Turbit from Peterborough, owned by DK Knaggs

Best Bluette from Peterborough, owned by Stuart Henderson

Best AOC African Owl, FW Show & Best Short Face Egremont

Best Self African Owl from the FW Show & Lancashire Show

Best Dun Blondinette from the FW Show

Best Yellow Blondinette from the FW Show

Best Bluette of John Gregg at the FW Show

Best Blue Laced Satinette at the FW Show

Best Turbit at the FW Show

Owl,Frill & Turbit Club Show Trophy Winners

Joseph Smith Memorial Trophy, For Best Oriental Frill

  • 2012 SW.Henderson
  • 2013 SW.Henderson
  • 2014 DK.Knaggs

George Hope Trophy for Best Opp Sex to Winner

  • 2012 SW.Henderson
  • 2013 R & K.Pratt

Machin Trophy for Best Opp Age to Winner

  • 2012 SW.Henderson
  • 2013 SW.Henderson
  • 2014 K.Sparkes

Uttley Trophy for Best Adult Satinette

  • 2012 SW.Henderson
  • 2013 SW.Henderson
  • 2014 SW.Henderson

Scatliff Memorial Cup for Best Young Satinette

  • 2012 S.W.Henderson
  • 2013 J & B.Elsdon
  • 2014 SW.Henderson

Gilbert Bentley Memorial Trophy for Best Adult Blondinette

  • 2012 R & K.Pratt
  • 2013 R & K.Pratt
  • 2014 DK.Knaggs

Roland Miller Memorial Trophy for Best Young Blondinette

  • 2012 SW.Henderson
  • 2013 SW.Henderson
  • 2014 K.Sparkes

Seaton Breeders Trophy for Most Points in Young Bird Classes

  • 2012 SW.Henderson
  • 2013 SW.Henderson
  • 2014 SW.Henderson

Seaton Novice Trophy for the member who has not won a first at the club show

J. Hall Trophy for Best Red/Yellow, African Owl

J. Hall Trophy for Best Blue/Silver, African Owl

Wm Allen Salver for Best Adult Owl, African Owl

Main Trophy for Best Red/Yellow /Blue or Silver, African Owl

Kinross Salver for Best White, African Owl

Gatty Trophy for Best Pied Young Bird, African Owl

Sparrow Trophy for Best Young Bird , African Owl

Shield for Best White, African Owl

Shield for Best Dun, African Owl

Trophy for Best Turbit

Trophy for Best Young Turbit