The legend and legacy of Ludlow

Joseph W.Ludlow

Joseph Ludlow was born in Stratford-on-Avon on the 17th March 1840, sharing his birthplace with that of William Shakespeare. In time he grew to become the most famous of all artists specializing in pigeons. At the incredibly young age of six years old his talent for art was begining to appear, painting from life the farm animals in his local area.

Growing into manhood to become known worldwide as the master pigeon and poultry artist of his time. Josephs first occupation was lithography, graduating into engravings.

Being amongst pigeons and painting scores of champions, it was natural that he would himself become a pigeon fancier. In his early years he took up the hobby, a decision that led to him being one of the most famous fanciers of all time.

His taste in breeds ran to the Oriental varieties, of which he imported many into England, creating a great amount of interest. For over fifty years he excelled as a prize winner at such classics as the Royal, Crystal Palace and the Diary.

As one might expect with his eye for beauty and skill as a breeder & showman, he was an acknowledged judge of great repute. For many years he was a member of the Birmingham Agricultural Club and President of the Birmingham Columbarian Society. Painting most of Cassell and Co's drawings on pigeons and poultry contained in such famous books as Robert Fultons ''The Book of Pigeons''. He died in 1915, during his 75th year. Although he has been gone for almost 100 years his art and his reputation live on .






English Owls

African Owls


Graeme Boyd

The following paintings are by the United Kingdoms very own Graeme Boyd, an artist following in the illustrious footsteps of Ludlow.


A portrait of a prize winning Oriental Frill exhibited at the club show Pickering 2012. A Bluette cock bred and exhibited by S.W.Henderson

Dun Laced Blond


A pair of Red & Yellow Blondinettes

Black Blondinette

Black Nun

English Long Faced Clean Leg Tumbler